JET VAC Services

PURE Utility Solutions jetting, and vacuum service gets your drains moving again. A blockage can be caused by any number of things, a build-up of silt and debris, bad weather conditions, or a structural issue, such as a damaged or failed pipe. Our Jet vac units are equipped with the latest technology, including recycling tankers, with continuous water recycling. Our Jet VACS can support all type of emergency situations including but not limited to:

Drain/Sewer Cleansing

cleansing and removing debris from drains and gullies

Septic Tanks

emptying of tanks and cesspits, both routine and emergency

Pump Stations

extraction of solid debris


our units can deal even the most extreme flood situations.

Efficient and Cost Effective

<< A jet vac tanker combines high pressure jetting capabilities with a highly powered tankering facility. They are primarily deployed for cleansing larger diameter pipes and removing abnormal amounts of silt and difficult debris from sewer systems., High pressure vacuum tankering works by passing water through a small hole or pipe generating large volumes of pressure. This pressure can be used to clean and cut through the affected areas. It removes any debris causing blockage to the drainage or sewer system. This method of sewer cleaning is a simple and environmentally friendly solution to many underground sewer and drainage issues.>>

<< We are available 24/7 to help you with your emergency situations, no matter what they may be. >>

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